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Happometer Corporation

About Happometer

Happometer is used by day-to-day operations managers and marketing managers to capture the happiness pulse of customers and teammates in real-time, on-the-spot, before consumers take their business somewhere else or complain on social media, and before team members become disengaged from their company's mission.

Features include standard and ad-hoc surveys, automated request for feedback based on frequency controls, positive integration with social media, Net Promoter Score analysis, visual analytics, instant notifications to managers, incident response case management, marketing CRM, and built-in content for team engagement.

Happometer is a cloud software-as-a-service, accessible via any standard browser by authenticated, licensed business users. Happometer's mobile app version is available exclusively to its licensed users, as a powerful tool to monitor the happiness pulse of their business especially for managers who are not continuously tethered to a desktop computer.

Happometer Screenshots