Explore. Play. Learn. Become a Migrations Wyz today!
Explore marine animals, birds and other animals from around the world. Scroll through our interactive world maps, watching the migrations occur over the span of a whole year, and then dive deeper! Research any animal through a unique image, detailed content and engaging video.
As you explore the animals' migration paths, play quizzes and test your knowledge on fun facts about the animals. With dozens of questions, the addictive quizzes let you play endlessly on your own. Or, project the quiz on a wall and compete against someone else!
Whether you want to play trivia games with your kids or browse through the migration patterns in the animal kingdom, this all-in-one app promises knowledge and fun in a beautifully designed package. Everything you need to know about animal migrations, all in one place. Learning in Wyz World is always an adventure - one we hope you’re ready to embark upon!
Created using Wyz App Maker
(c) WyzKidLabs 2018.
Explore marine animals, birds and other animals from around the world. Scroll through our interactive world maps, watching the migrations occur over the span of a whole year, and then dive deeper! Research any animal through a unique image, detailed content and engaging video.
As you explore the animals' migration paths, play quizzes and test your knowledge on fun facts about the animals. With dozens of questions, the addictive quizzes let you play endlessly on your own. Or, project the quiz on a wall and compete against someone else!
Whether you want to play trivia games with your kids or browse through the migration patterns in the animal kingdom, this all-in-one app promises knowledge and fun in a beautifully designed package. Everything you need to know about animal migrations, all in one place. Learning in Wyz World is always an adventure - one we hope you’re ready to embark upon!
Created using Wyz App Maker
(c) WyzKidLabs 2018.
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