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Parnian Media
4.8 out of 5

About CanPars

اپ رسمی شرکت خدمات مهاجرتی کنپارس
با استفاده از این اپ می توانید آخرین اخبار و مقالات مهاجرت را بخوانید، پرنیان تی وی ببینید و سوالات مهاجرتی خود را بپرسید.
همچنین می توانید درخواست وقت ملاقات بکنید و آدرس تمام دفاتر رسمی کنپارس را ببینید.

This is the official app of Canpars Immigration Services, Inc.
Canpars Immigration Services Inc. is a Canadian company which offers services to those who plan to visit, study or work in Canada or decided to immigrate to Canada as permanent resident.
Canpars clients can be in touch with us using this app.
They may ask us to tell them if they are eligible to apply for immigration to Canada by simply filling up or free evaluation form.
Clients can also ask for an appointment with different Canpars offices around the globe.
Reading immigration articles and news and watching Parnian TV videos on this app is highly recommended to all these who plan to come to Canada.

CanPars Screenshots