Discount Calculator & Save icon

Discount Calculator & Save


About Discount Calculator & Save

Calculate & Record your discount price for easy retrieval.
Find your target sale price.

Many e-commerce and merchant want to sale their products.
Discount/Promotion is one of the famous plan to use.
Make it easy with “Discount Calculator & Save”

I know that my price is 48.5 but i want to sell it at 39.9. What % deduction is that?
I have 79$ T-Shirt and want to discount it by 19%. How much should I sell?

Instant result is here.
With the ability to Save the result and Name it. For easy retrieval.

How to use:
1. Enter the initial price.
2. Enter the percentage to find the sale price.
or enter the sale price to find the percentage.
3. Instant Result Show. You can Save and Name that Calculation.

Discount Calculator & Save Screenshots