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Artifact Technologies LLC
4.8 out of 5

About Mixby

Ever felt FOMO (fear of missing out) at an event? Too many missed moments, no easy way to access all the photos taken? Well, Mixby is your salvation. This app is your “Official Event Channel,” a place to effortlessly share photos, videos and chat with everyone else in attendance. Mixby lets you experience an event through every available camera to create a collection of the group’s favorite memories. 

* Join a Mixby in progress or easily host one- it takes less than a minute to set up!
* From 5 to 50,000 attendees, Mixby works great at any sized event.
* Create a public “share zone” event around you that any attendees can join.
* Create an invitation-only event so attendees can join in and share from anywhere.
* Take photos and videos throughout and easily contribute to the event photo album. 
* View photos taken by other attendees and “like” your favorites.
* Post real-time updates and connect with others in the chat room.
* When the event ends, all attendees get a Mixby showcasing the Top 9 photos.
* Share your Mixby to social media and save as a keepsake.
* The entire photo album can be viewed at any time after the event.

Mixby Screenshots