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About HealthHive

Juggling your health records, figuring out which pill does what, and looping everyone in about what’s going on in your health journey can feel like a full time job. Let HealthHive simplify everything by giving you a centralized place to store, track, and share your health information.

Store - Patient Portals are fantastic, but having multiple logins and places to look for records can be a ton of work, especially if only some of your providers offer access to them. HealthHive can help you get and keep copies of all your records in one place, gives you a handy tagging system so you will never have to hunt through a folder again, and is accessible at any time through our app or website. Best of all, your data will be securely backed up, so should you ever have problems with your phone all your information will remain intact.

Track - Medications and Vitals are integral to your health, but so many moving pieces can be a lot to keep up with. HealthHive can help you keep track of whatever you need to with just a few taps of the screen.

Share - Sharing your information can be essential to keeping everyone on your team up to date with your health but too much information is not always best. HealthHive makes sure you’re in charge of who sees what (and what they can do in your Hive).

Record Request - With just a couple taps you can send an email direct to your physicians to request copies of your health records to be stored in your Hive.

Data Opt-Out & Security - Your data is just that, Yours. HealthHive is dedicated to ensuring that it stays that way by allowing you to exclude your non-PHI data from our commercial database and by building our entire system with the most advanced digital security measures around.

Medication List - HealthHive lets you keep a detailed medications list in your pocket, regardless of how long it is.

Vitals Tracking - Are you responsible for keeping track of your blood sugar, heart rate, weight or blood pressure? Avoid those awkward gaps in your information by easily tracking them through HealthHive.

Insurance IDs - Multiple (or even just one) insurance card can take up too much space in your wallet. Keep your policy information (including pictures of your ID cards) on your phone.

HealthHive Screenshots