Explore the rich world of bird sound around you!
Birdgram is an audio field guide in your pocket. The US version includes 770 species and over 45,000 recordings across all 50 states. This expansive dataset is made possible by the incredible collection at xeno-canto.org, which is dedicated to open access and data sharing using Creative Commons licensing.
App features:
• Browse ~50–200 recordings for each species. Way more than other apps!
• Record a bird using your phone and then search for it! Which species do you think it might be? The app will show you xeno-canto recordings similar to your recording to help you figure it out.
• Visually "see" every sound in the app as a spectrogram, an intuitive visual representation of the sound's shape over time.
• Places: add your current region or hotspot as a "place" to restrict results to just the birds near you. This rules out far-away species to help you discover your local birds.
• Offline: never get stuck when you're deep in the woods with poor reception, because Birdgram works fully offline! (Adding new places requires internet connection, but everything else works fully offline.)
Coming soon:
• More countries! xeno-canto.org recordings cover nearly all species in the world (check out their website), and Birdgram is designed to work in any country, with any species.
• Simplified design! The initial release of Birdgram is a scientific instrument: many knobs and not yet intuitive. In a future release I will streamline the user experience so that it's more accessible to non-experts and more intuitive for everyone.
Birdgram is free and open source:
• https://github.com/jdanbrown/birdgram
• Please get in touch if you'd like to contribute!
Birdgram is an audio field guide in your pocket. The US version includes 770 species and over 45,000 recordings across all 50 states. This expansive dataset is made possible by the incredible collection at xeno-canto.org, which is dedicated to open access and data sharing using Creative Commons licensing.
App features:
• Browse ~50–200 recordings for each species. Way more than other apps!
• Record a bird using your phone and then search for it! Which species do you think it might be? The app will show you xeno-canto recordings similar to your recording to help you figure it out.
• Visually "see" every sound in the app as a spectrogram, an intuitive visual representation of the sound's shape over time.
• Places: add your current region or hotspot as a "place" to restrict results to just the birds near you. This rules out far-away species to help you discover your local birds.
• Offline: never get stuck when you're deep in the woods with poor reception, because Birdgram works fully offline! (Adding new places requires internet connection, but everything else works fully offline.)
Coming soon:
• More countries! xeno-canto.org recordings cover nearly all species in the world (check out their website), and Birdgram is designed to work in any country, with any species.
• Simplified design! The initial release of Birdgram is a scientific instrument: many knobs and not yet intuitive. In a future release I will streamline the user experience so that it's more accessible to non-experts and more intuitive for everyone.
Birdgram is free and open source:
• https://github.com/jdanbrown/birdgram
• Please get in touch if you'd like to contribute!
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