#StylishCalc Calculator icon

#StylishCalc Calculator

Takahiro Iwatani
4.6 out of 5

About #StylishCalc Calculator

- A stylish calculator app for women

There now is a new fashionable calculator perfect for a fashionable person like you.
If you tailor your lifestyle to your liking, you want to carefully choose the apps which you use daily as well.
Use #StylishCalc for a more lady-like lifestyle.

- Choose your favorite design to make you feel better

Improving your environment is essential in keeping up the motivation at work.
Choose a calculator that matches your taste, like you would put your favorite objects or pictures of loved ones onto your desk at work.
#StylishCalc features several stylish calculator designs.
If your calculator matches your taste, you are sure to feel better throughout the day.
Enjoy your work by changing calculators as you would change clothes depending on how you feel.

- Easily fix calculation mistakes

"I have put so much work into this, and now I have to do it all from scratch? If I only knew where I went wrong!" Have you ever felt this way when inputting the wrong number in the middle of a long calculation?
#StylishCalc includes a useful feature which lets you see and fix what you have input so far by touching the calculation result.
Mistakes are no longer an issue because you can now fix them both during and after the calculation.

- Convert currencies from around the world

On your off days, you may want to forget about your daily routine and experience foreign countries while traveling abroad.
Of course, #StylishCalc helps you when traveling as well.
How often do you want to know how much a certain price is worth in your own currency?
With #StylishCalc, you can easily convert currencies from all over the world.
Let's enjoy stress-free traveling all over the world.

- You can customize the button layout

"I want to arrange my calculator to fit my personal style!" "I want to improve the usability of my calculator for work!" #StylishCalc can also fulfill these wishes.
As you can change not only the design but the button layout as well, your calculator will become easy to use for your personal needs.

- For a more glamorous you

The calculation functions are useful, and the beautiful design is stylish.
#StylishCalc, featuring both, is a support tool which will help you obtain a more glamorous, wonderful lifestyle.

#StylishCalc Calculator Screenshots