SMI's customers can take advantage of the countless benefits coming from information & computing technology by using Smy Pass, the new Internet-based service of after-sales technical support.
Smy Pass is an App clustering in a dedicated area all of the on-line services for after-sales support, from where SMI customers, after logging-in, can also access anytime on real-time an ever-updated database of technical information relating to the machine they have purchased.
The range of services offered by SMI is constantly evolving and includes solutions meant to quickly and effectively respond to the requests of on-site and on-line technical assistance, of machine updating and of staff training; SMI service areas involved in their satisfaction are: Technical Support, Spare parts & Upgrades, Manuals and Training.
Smy Pass is an App clustering in a dedicated area all of the on-line services for after-sales support, from where SMI customers, after logging-in, can also access anytime on real-time an ever-updated database of technical information relating to the machine they have purchased.
The range of services offered by SMI is constantly evolving and includes solutions meant to quickly and effectively respond to the requests of on-site and on-line technical assistance, of machine updating and of staff training; SMI service areas involved in their satisfaction are: Technical Support, Spare parts & Upgrades, Manuals and Training.
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