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4.6 out of 5

About iMAV

iMAV is built to help those suffering from Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) with vestibular therapy exercises. Our goal is to assist those suffering from balance and other physical disabilities such as sports injuries (concussions) or elderly people.

The app has a few recommended exercise user can do sitting, standing, or walking. Users can track their daily exercises and see if over time, there is an improvements to their vertigo issues. After each exercise, users can rate their balance so they will have a log over time their improvements.

Users either can hold the device in front of them or get another person to hold it for them as they perform the exercises. Each exercise comes with a detailed instructions (i.e hold head still and move eyes only) on how to perform it effectively.

DISCLAIMER: This app is not intended to replace any health care consultation or replace the advice they have given you; use at your own risk. It is strongly advised that you consult with your health care professional before doing these techniques or performing any exercise.
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