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About IgoStadium

IgoStadium is an online game application for Go, with the developer's wish to enjoy playing it.

- Random matching makes it easy to play games with people from all over the world
- Play with friends
- Matches with Go AI (artificial intelligence)
- Set time for easy playing while commuting to work or school (countdown + grace time)
- Grades without upper limits
- Watching a match
- A freely usable examination board installed in my room.

[Match Rule]
A form of competition in which players can play in gap time
Chinese rule (Live stone on board + territory) Komi 7
9x9: Countdown time 15 seconds + Grace time 60 seconds
13x13: Countdown time 15 seconds + Grace time 120 seconds
19x19: Countdown time 15 seconds + Grace time 300 seconds

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