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SISU Sense

Akervall Technologies, Inc.

About SISU Sense

With SISU Sense™, we've taken our mission to protect the athlete to the next level. By infusing our HitSense™ Technology into our industry-leading mouthguard, SISU Sense measures every hit an athlete absorbs, then transmits the data to our proprietary app. The result: protection on the field today, and tomorrow, that makes sense.

There are 4 million concussions in sports in the USA every year and half of them are undiagnosed.
These concussions result in over 1 million ER visits and significant socio-economic stigma to athletes that have to live with traumatic brain injury, adding up to a total cost to society of $60B/year. The data behind these numbers are shown in a recent study of high school football players. The average number of head traumas above 10G/season was 690, 10% of which were over 40G.

SISU Sense allows players to have the best mouth guard on the market with the lowest number of dental injuries (1/25,000) and for players and their families to instantly get informed about hits to the head. Hopefully this will prevent athletes to expose themselves to dangerous situations in sports, and maybe even change rules in violent sports.

The technology inside SISU Sense
Using a three-axis accelerometer and a high-performance wireless processor, the SISU Sense records when each major, or minor, impact occurs. The record of impacts is transferred wirelessly to the SISU Sense app for review and long-term impact monitoring.

Why SISU® Sense?
TRACK HEAD IMPACT- Know the level of head impact you receive during practice or games.
PLAY SMARTER- Use the information to potentially change your technique.
SHARE DATA- The data is shareable with one person.
SYNC WIRELESSLY- The app updates when connected to wifi and in range of the mouthguard.
PEACE OF MIND - "As a parent, I know my son will take hits. But I feel better knowing when I need to take proper action."
SAFETY - Built on 10 years of superior SISU safety - only 1 dental injury in 25,000 guards.
PERFECT FIT - Fits around ANY dentition like a glove.
SMART POLYMER TECHNOLOGY - Tougher, thinner and stronger than conventional guards.
TALK, BREATHE, DRINK™ - Due to the thin and perfectly fitting material communication with other athletes is flawless.
WARRANTY - We back these claims with a $35k dental warranty, the highest in the industry.

*The SISU Sense™ is not a medical or diagnostic device. The SISU Sense™ Mouthguard detects impacts and does not replace concussion detection protocol. The SISU Sense™ Hit Sense™ technology does not diagnose concussion. The data should be used to identify if impact has occurred and the level of impact.

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SISU Sense Screenshots