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Its4PestControl Toolkit Pty Ltd

About Its4PestControl Toolkit

Its4PestControl Toolkit is for pest control technicians who are using our Cloud solution to complete jobs in the field. Carry out Visual Termite
Inspections, Pre-Purchase Inspections and almost any other reports you decide to create. Take photos and embed them into reports where required while you are on location.

Bait Station Monitoring, termite station monitoring and any other Multi-Site Maintenance can be carried out on site paper free. Scan stations using NFC and/or barcodes where applicable.

Barrier Installations can be recorded on site. Include photos of work done and draw on site plans from your device.

You can also view related documentation and images electronically so no need for paper copies of previous reports and other related material.

See new work as they are booked and share information with the office as it happens.

Its4PestControl Toolkit Screenshots