Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi icon

Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi

NH Hotel Group, S.A.

About Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi

The Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi app allows you to discover on your Smartphone and tablet the remarkable architectural and landscape value of the 5* Luxury NH Collection Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi.

Map. Navigate through the different levels of the architectural complex: the markers allows you to find out historical, botanical, architectural and cultural points of interest. These “pins” are also visually marked along the different paths inside the hotel and, thanks to their Bluetooth iBeacon technology, will alert you when you’ll be physically close to a point of interest to be discovered.

The place. A thoughtfully designed magazine tells you the real history of the building and its peculiarities, from the ancient Church to the Monks’ Walk.

Discover. Live an extraordinary augmented reality experience, like the daily routine of the Cistercians monks or the virtual reconstruction of the ancient collapsed cave.

On-air. All of the events and special initiatives organized by the hotel at your fingertips!

Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi Screenshots