Re-imagine the way you Surf on Google.
Troubleshoot anything with a forum on every website on Google
Create access to millions of users, able to share in independent and public information
Avoid scams or bad business with a snapshot of a business in every search result
And of course, there's dark mode
Why use Surf?
The internet hasn't evolved much over the last 15 years. Browsers are still a one-way communication street between websites and users.
We wanted to make the internet a better, more inclusive and an open place to communicate on.
That's why we created Surf. A simple tool that turns your internet browser into a three-way communication platform between all websites and users making use of the tool.
Now users can see and add views, comments, likes or dislikes, given by Surf users; It's like one big forum where users tell businesses how they feel and businesses, in turn, use the tools we provide to enhance business and their relationships with their users.
And, our tools are available on every website that exists on your browser when you use Surf.
Download the Surf browser today and be a part of the next big shift on the internet.
Troubleshoot anything with a forum on every website on Google
Create access to millions of users, able to share in independent and public information
Avoid scams or bad business with a snapshot of a business in every search result
And of course, there's dark mode
Why use Surf?
The internet hasn't evolved much over the last 15 years. Browsers are still a one-way communication street between websites and users.
We wanted to make the internet a better, more inclusive and an open place to communicate on.
That's why we created Surf. A simple tool that turns your internet browser into a three-way communication platform between all websites and users making use of the tool.
Now users can see and add views, comments, likes or dislikes, given by Surf users; It's like one big forum where users tell businesses how they feel and businesses, in turn, use the tools we provide to enhance business and their relationships with their users.
And, our tools are available on every website that exists on your browser when you use Surf.
Download the Surf browser today and be a part of the next big shift on the internet.
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