Tweek icon


Chris Ross
3.7 out of 5

About Tweek

Tweek is an app that promotes privacy by allowing users to view or search through all of their tweets/favorites and delete the ones they no longer want.

Note: The Twitter app will cache (save) your tweets locally, even after deletion. Verify that a tweet has been deleted by logging into Alternatively, you can delete local storage for the mobile app on your device.

Delete tweets in bulk. Long press any tweet you wish to delete and then tap the multi-delete button to remove.

Search through your tweets. Search for keywords through your last 3,200 tweets or all tweets with the archive import.

Load your Twitter archive. Download your archive from within the Twitter app and then load the resulting zip file directly into Tweek.

Archive Import Instructional Video -

View any tweet in the Twitter app or website by tapping the tweet content in the detailed view.

Tweek Screenshots