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iEvent Time

Andres Ramirez

About iEvent Time

Let’s put a limit to putting reminder-pins and sticky pads on your calendar every time you need to place an event post or need to update your diary with an event entry. How would you feel to have a unified platform where you could organise all your events, be it a notable ceremony which presumes your presence or a to-do task which needs your attention.

With more than just counting down to your best moments, Event Countdown also provides a built-in reminder functionality which lets you know about the event and details for the date and time added, so that you can always count on Event Countdown to keep you updated on your yearly, monthly and weekly plans. View your favourite events, Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Vacation and Other Holidays right there at the home screen portrayed in a timelined manner so that you always know which one is happening first.

iEvent Time Screenshots