NewsWall smartly collects the most interesting articles from thousands of local and global sources for you.
Each source is hand-selected based on criteria such as objective and factual reporting, bias, and third-party ratings (fact checkers, Wikipedia, studies, etc.).
In your news feed, we automatically compile the most important headlines and breaking news from these sources on the topics that interest you - like an RSS feed just for you.
You can subscribe to topics from the areas of general news, politics, business & technology, brands & products, film & television or sports and also set how much you want to see.
You can also intervene by rating a news item up if you think it's worth reading, or down if you don't. Thus, with enough ratings, even local news can make it to be displayed on a national or even global level.
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Each source is hand-selected based on criteria such as objective and factual reporting, bias, and third-party ratings (fact checkers, Wikipedia, studies, etc.).
In your news feed, we automatically compile the most important headlines and breaking news from these sources on the topics that interest you - like an RSS feed just for you.
You can subscribe to topics from the areas of general news, politics, business & technology, brands & products, film & television or sports and also set how much you want to see.
You can also intervene by rating a news item up if you think it's worth reading, or down if you don't. Thus, with enough ratings, even local news can make it to be displayed on a national or even global level.
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