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Recovery Path Sponsors+Mentors

Recovery Record
5.0 out of 5

About Recovery Path Sponsors+Mentors

Providing support to someone recovering from addiction as a sponsor or mentor can be challenging. Recovery Path for Sponsors and Mentors helps you provide in-the-moment support and maintain open lines of communication for a strong, trusting relationship. It also provides a toolkit for you in helping your sponsee in their recovery journey.

With your Recovery Path Sponsor account you can:

Provide in-the-moment support to your sponsee or mentee
Access data on your sponsee’s progress and setbacks
Select from hundreds of coping strategies and resources for your sponsee to use
Assist sponsee in figuring out how to manage triggers and urges, using science-backed techniques
Securely create and send powerful affirmation image messages
Know when your sponsee is approaching a high risk place or situation and help them come up with a game plan to prevent relapse

Supportive Suite of Apps
- Recovery Path for Clinicians
- Recovery Path for Sponsors & Mentors
- Recovery Path for Family & Friends

Recovery Path Sponsors+Mentors Screenshots