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S.Chand & Company Private Limited
4.0 out of 5

About Learnflix

Are you studying in school? Do you want more personalized attention in your studies?
Learnflix is an ‘At-Home’ personalized learning app from S.Chand Group; to help you learn at your own pace; so that you are able to perform your best in the exams. Learnflix offers comprehensive learning programs in Math and Science for students of classes 6th-10th. It has been created with a Spiral Learning Pedagogy, that ensures all concepts are well learnt, revised, practiced and assessed.

What subjects we offer?
Math and Science.

What classes we cater to?
Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9 and Class 10.

What advantages does Learnflix offer?
• Learn any topic anytime anywhere from simple, comprehensive and engaging videos at your own pace. Keep revisiting a concept until its finally done.
• Master any concept and chapter faster and better with unlimited practice and tests.
• • Revise concepts regularly from to-the-point revision summaries.
• Chart your own learning path through focussed and actionable analytics that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

About S.Chand Group
S.Chand Group are pioneers in Education and have been serving the Indian education industry for over 75 years.

For more details, please visit www.learnflix.in
Do share your feedback, as your feedback will help us incessantly improve.

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