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Technically Bits, LLC
4.4 out of 5

About TBDo

Track your recurring chores with TBDo.

CLEAN what needs it the most! Typical to-do apps are terrible for recurring chores. Replacing the A/C air filter and cleaning the toilet aren't like other tasks. They become more urgent the longer you go without doing them. TBDo is perfectly designed for these kinds of repeating chores.

BE SMART about cleaning. If you postpone washing your windows by two weeks, you might not even notice. But put off replacing your bed sheets by two weeks? Yuck! TBDo calculates the urgency of chores for you. What you need to do most automatically floats to the top of your to-do list.

SEE what needs your attention. A notification badge (that little red circle on the app icon) will tell you how many chores are due. And tasks are color-coded by urgency:
RED = critical
ORANGE = high
YELLOW = medium
GREEN = low
BLUE = relax! :)

DO chores when you have time. We're all busy. Sometimes things get a little dirtier than we'd like. No worries! TBDo makes it easy to know what needs the most love. Get it done and move on. You've got more important things to do.

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