An innovative App to simplify product discovery by connecting wholesale Buyers & Sellers of quality product and directing Buyers to the shows and online platforms Sellers are currently using to sell.
Wholesale Sellers create a profile with product photos, contact info including website, social media accounts, email address, and a short company bio introducing their product lines.
Wholesale Buyers swipe through product photos discovering things they are interested in. When they “heart” an item it is added to a wish list and Buyers can contact Sellers through the Sellers’ existing sales channels to begin a business relationship.
Wholesale Sellers create a profile with product photos, contact info including website, social media accounts, email address, and a short company bio introducing their product lines.
Wholesale Buyers swipe through product photos discovering things they are interested in. When they “heart” an item it is added to a wish list and Buyers can contact Sellers through the Sellers’ existing sales channels to begin a business relationship.
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