YU'N'MI icon


Frank Groh

About YU'N'MI

Two players, two faces, two icons:
Align and Smile - Selfie Style!

YU'N'MI does not collect, store or share data used for depth of facial mapping information.

YU'N'MI uses the device's TrueDepth camera system to track the state of your eyes and mouth. This allows for a unique user experience - a game you can play with your face. In order for this functionality to be possible, the app requires access to your device's camera. This access can be toggled on or off at any time in your device's settings.

The camera images and resulting depth data are only used for gameplay purposes. The live video feed is never used, and its data is never stored locally or remotely. Camera access is required to get depth data from Apple's API's.

Face data is never stored on the device or remotely, given to third parties, or used for any non-gameplay purposes. The face data only remains on your device during your current game session and never leaves your device at any time.

No ads, no in-app purchases, just Rock'n'Roll.

YU'N'MI Screenshots