這是一款跟朋友開玩笑、逗趣的app,你讓朋友寫下想對你說的話,寫好之後手機面朝下放著,你拿出紙筆說要讀出對方在想什麼,結果你寫下的是 I Love U,你的朋友矢口否認,當你把手機翻開,上面寫著的正是 I Love U。
"DL Note" is a mind-reading and prediction magic trick.
Magician shows a Sketch to spectator, then let spectator write something on app. Magician can reveal spectator write.
This trick requires both the app and a special tool avalible from www.808magic.com.tw and other participating retail stores.
Disclaimer: The app and accompanying hardware are able to give the illusion of mind-reading and prediction only. In no way do they actually allow you to read minds.
"DL Note" is a mind-reading and prediction magic trick.
Magician shows a Sketch to spectator, then let spectator write something on app. Magician can reveal spectator write.
This trick requires both the app and a special tool avalible from www.808magic.com.tw and other participating retail stores.
Disclaimer: The app and accompanying hardware are able to give the illusion of mind-reading and prediction only. In no way do they actually allow you to read minds.
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