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About Youbbler

Youbble aspires to be YOUr buBBle - a one stop shop for all your networking and marketing needs. You'BBle is a platform for businesses, freelancers, hobbyists and users within communities tied together by origin, common interests, culture, and language to come together and interact in a relevant space. We bring you closer to your community and the community to you!

You'BBle shall go through a metamorphosis with phased releases, building the infrastructure with basic features prioritized. Our first phase will revolve around networking needs; therefore, we intend to start with a simple User Directory:

1. Users being able to register for accounts
2. Gathering user data to understand demographics
3. Collecting Business and Service information for public usage
4. Capability to search users and businesses

We shall continue moving on to our second set of milestone to fulfill user marketing needs to help boost their sales. Stay tuned for next announcement.

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