In a magical world full of wonders, a flaying baby has found a mystical creature – a flying baby elephant. They have become best buddies. They are now on a mission to collect and eat as much fruits and vegetation as possible while keeping themselves harms away from predicators and other dangerous obstacles.
The game play starts of with baby buddy putting the elephant in a catapult, he intends to throw him by stretching it while adjusting the angle to avoid obstacles. He does so to give him a boost in his journey. After this, the player needs to control the flappy elephant by tapping on the screen wherever necessary to avoid hurdles or pick up fruits or vegetation along the way. The more fruits and vegetation you collect, more stars you get.
The game offers 20 super exciting and increasingly challenging levels. So sit tight, play and enjoy the game.
Feature: -
-Multiple addictive levels.
-Realistic physics.
-Best stress relief game play.
-Steady and smooth controls.
-Tricky traps, challenging hurdles, weather effects and more.
Multiple animals will be available soon.
The game play starts of with baby buddy putting the elephant in a catapult, he intends to throw him by stretching it while adjusting the angle to avoid obstacles. He does so to give him a boost in his journey. After this, the player needs to control the flappy elephant by tapping on the screen wherever necessary to avoid hurdles or pick up fruits or vegetation along the way. The more fruits and vegetation you collect, more stars you get.
The game offers 20 super exciting and increasingly challenging levels. So sit tight, play and enjoy the game.
Feature: -
-Multiple addictive levels.
-Realistic physics.
-Best stress relief game play.
-Steady and smooth controls.
-Tricky traps, challenging hurdles, weather effects and more.
Multiple animals will be available soon.
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