EuMW 2023 icon

EuMW 2023

Eyeled GmbH
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About EuMW 2023

Europe’s Premier Microwave, RF, Wireless and Radar Event

The 26th European Microwave Week combines:
• The European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
• The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
• The European Radar Conference (EuRAD)
• Workshops, Short Courses and Special Sessions
• The "Defence, Security and Space Forum", the "Automotive Forum" and the "5G to 6G Forum"
• The European Microwave Exhibition

EuMW 2023 provides the opportunity to attend conferences, workshops, short courses, and special sessions.

The annual European Microwave Exhibition, which is by far the largest trade show on RF and microwaves in Europe, is held in conjunction with the three conferences. The exhibition includes a series of technical seminars describing microwave products and processes (exhibitor workshops).

This app contains all the information you need to navigate through the event and to personalise your session, workshop and exhibition schedule along with useful service information around the EuMW.

EuMW 2023 Screenshots