

This application is used for remote control of selected WiFi devices from ELEKTROBOCK company.
Supported devices: TS11 WiFi, TS11 WiFi Therm, TS11 WiFi Therm PROFI, PT14-P WiFi

1. Smart Plug TS11 WiFi
- scheduler with up to 16 changes per day
- timer function (1 min to 23 h 59 min)
- automatic or manual mode
- maximum load up to 3680 W (16 A)
- time synchronization via the Internet
- the scheduler remains functional even after an internet outage
- remote firmware update

2. Smart Temperature-switched Plug TS11 WiFi Therm
- Temperature or time switching mode
- temperature setting range +5 °C to + 40 °C
- scheduler with up to 16 changes per day
- timer function (1 min to 23 h 59 min)
- automatic or manual mode
- maximum load up to 3680 W (16 A)
- time synchronization via the Internet
- scheduler remains functional even after an internet outage
- remote firmware update

3. Smart Temperature-switched Plug with advanced functions TS11 WiFi Therm PROFI
- Temperature or time switching mode
- Heating/ cooling mode selection
- temperature setting range -20 °C to + 99 °C
- Hours of operation
- scheduler with up to 16 changes per day
- timer function (1 min to 23 h 59 min)
- automatic or manual mode
- maximum load up to 3680 W (16 A)
- time synchronization via the Internet
- scheduler remains functional even after an internet outage
- time backup up to 24 hours
- remote firmware update

4. Room WiFi Thermostat for controlling electric heating PT14-P WiFi
- automatic or manual mode
- OFF mode (permanent shutdown)
- summer mode
- temperature setting range +3 °C to + 39 °C
- early switch-on function
- scheduler with up to 6 changes per day
- possibility to set hysteresis
- key lock
- Open window detection function
- maximum load up to 3680 W (16 A)
- time synchronization via the Internet
- scheduler remains functional even after an internet outage

There are other WiFi devices in development that will be able to be controlled by this application. Follow our website.
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EOB WIFI Screenshots