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Public Toilets in Vienna

David Pertiller

About Public Toilets in Vienna

Public Toilets in Vienna shows you all public toilets in your area. The app also pays close attention to the opening times of the toilets and marks open and closed toilets.

Vienna's toilets are ​often practically equipped, which is why the app offers you additional information such as accessibility, defibrillator, fire extinguisher, first aid box, baby changing room, changing table and options for hand disinfection. Disinfecting hands helps protect against viruses.

Toilets that are designed to be handicapped accessible are marked accordingly. Toilets for people with disabilities are sometimes only accessible with a special "Euro-Key". You can find this information in the features of a toilet.

In addition to the surrounding toilets, the app also calculates the walking time and the exact route in order to get to the toilet as quickly as possible.

The map material ( that is used shows Vienna down to the smallest detail and protects your privacy. There isn't any tracking and your data won't be stored.

Whether you just need a toilet real-quick, need barrier-free access to a toilet, or you want to change your baby: Public Toilets in Vienna will find the right toilet for you! #Vienna #liveable #city

Public Toilets in Vienna Screenshots