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Access Care Compliance

Access UK Ltd

About Access Care Compliance

Access Care Compliance contains all of the audits and reports that you need to manage compliance and quality. The mobile application allows you to connect to your site and complete the audits that you have scheduled. When completing the audits, if any actions are required these can be added via the app. These audits and actions will then be available within your site and can be managed via accessing your site via your URL.

Who is it for:
Access Care Compliance is a solution developed in partnership with customers meeting the evolving requirements of all stakeholders including:
Service Managers: Enabling the completion of audits on the go around a service
Area Managers: When traveling to different sites, audits are available via mobile or tablets
Visiting Staff: No need to use desktop/laptops to conduct audits and manage compliance in a service

Features of the app:
Audits – Create and complete audits which have been scheduled for locations with both online and offline capabilities. Based on the templates that have been created and assigned to a location audits can be completed. Attachments including photos can be added as evidence and if required, actions can be added off the back of an audit. All of these details once submitted will then be made available within the core web application where further actions or analysis can take place.

Access Care Compliance Screenshots