RIOT: NoTAV icon


Leonard Menchiari
4.6 out of 5


RIOT’s creator, Leonard Menchiari, experienced rioting first-hand at the NoTAV protests in Italy. He created the game to tell the stories and express the feelings experienced during these clashes. What triggers the crowd to behave with such anger and aggression? Often outnumbered, what does a police officer feel like during the conflict? RIOT presents the player with the opportunity to experience both sides of the fight - a fight in which there really are no winners. Who is right and who is wrong? Experience RIOT and draw your own conclusions.

It is up to you to choose how to tackle each situation, employing different strategies and tactics in order to achieve the perfect outcome. Discover if you can dispel an angry crowd or overcome a well-equipped militia as civil crisis deepens and corruption tears the very fabric of society.

RIOT: NoTAV includes the following events:
- Maddalena's Clearing
- December 8th
- A32 Highway
- Valsusa Gates (Beginning of an End)
- BONUS: Rome Indignados (Oct 15)

- Clear the Rioters or the Police within 2 minutes, 80 seconds, or without Journalists to reach 100% completion
- Complete the last level as the Rioters or the Police to unlock the ending cut scene + the NoMUOS & the Rome Indignados maps

RIOT features the following gameplay modes:
- Single Player STORY mode playable as rioters or riot police
- Two Player VERSUS mode for 2 players on the same device

RIOT: NoTAV Screenshots

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