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Bokbasen AS
3.5 out of 5

About Allbok

Allbok is the reading and listening app for all of Norway!

Allbok is an app that lets you read and listen to digital books if you're:
- Inhabitant in a municipality with Allbok public library
- Student in a school with Allbok school library
- Customer of a e-book store with Bokskya
- Employee of a company with Allbok company library

Allbok lets you loan e-books and audio books from Norwegian public libraries.
Sign in and add your library card to get access to your library's services.
Add your Bokskya email to read and listen to books you already own.
If you are a student you can sign in with Feide to get access to your school library.

Allbok is also used by some companies providing e-book and audio books for their employees.

Allbok Screenshots