Welcome to V-RESONATOR ™
The “ONE FOR ALL” Vibrational Resonance holistic healing app which echoes
the Vibrational foundations of all life and matter.
V Resonator™ brings the potency and effectiveness of bulky and expensive
frequency generators, mixers and amplifiers into a simple and easy to use
V-Resonator ™ delivers a revolutionary approach to Frequency, Vibrational
and Sound Healing! V-Resonator has partnered with the greatest scientists,
sound healers, researchers and medical practitioners to bring together the
“best of the best“ frequency programs into ONE APP!
Each Artist has created masterful programs relating to a specific issue or
condition. Mental, physical and emotional issues are addressed by a wide
variety of layered frequencies and sound engineered to specifically resonate
with the issue for resolution and healing. We are dedicated to consistently
build our library of programs to address the needs of our clients. If you see a
program you need, please ask us!
Created and recommended primarily for the VIVRE (vivreforlife.com) , VResonator
may be used on any Vibrational/Sound Healing devices. For
maximum flexibility, we offer two application methods designated as
Visit Vivreforlife.com today to purchase the VIvre!
Simple and easy designation by user type:
- Humans: Men, Women, Children.
- Animals: Equine, Dogs, Cats
- Plants: Indoor/Outdoor
Full search functionality:
-Issue, Ailment, Type of pain
- Artist
- User type
- Method (vibration/audio)
- Much more!
Program OPTION to download to device for off-line listening
In - app purchases!
Many programs included free!
Full Instruction and “how to” included per program.
Enjoy hi-resolution file formats for maximum effectiveness:
- ac3
- aiff
- flac
- mp3
- mp4
- wav
Please Visit Vivreforlife.com today for more detailed information or to
purchase the VIvre!
The “ONE FOR ALL” Vibrational Resonance holistic healing app which echoes
the Vibrational foundations of all life and matter.
V Resonator™ brings the potency and effectiveness of bulky and expensive
frequency generators, mixers and amplifiers into a simple and easy to use
V-Resonator ™ delivers a revolutionary approach to Frequency, Vibrational
and Sound Healing! V-Resonator has partnered with the greatest scientists,
sound healers, researchers and medical practitioners to bring together the
“best of the best“ frequency programs into ONE APP!
Each Artist has created masterful programs relating to a specific issue or
condition. Mental, physical and emotional issues are addressed by a wide
variety of layered frequencies and sound engineered to specifically resonate
with the issue for resolution and healing. We are dedicated to consistently
build our library of programs to address the needs of our clients. If you see a
program you need, please ask us!
Created and recommended primarily for the VIVRE (vivreforlife.com) , VResonator
may be used on any Vibrational/Sound Healing devices. For
maximum flexibility, we offer two application methods designated as
Visit Vivreforlife.com today to purchase the VIvre!
Simple and easy designation by user type:
- Humans: Men, Women, Children.
- Animals: Equine, Dogs, Cats
- Plants: Indoor/Outdoor
Full search functionality:
-Issue, Ailment, Type of pain
- Artist
- User type
- Method (vibration/audio)
- Much more!
Program OPTION to download to device for off-line listening
In - app purchases!
Many programs included free!
Full Instruction and “how to” included per program.
Enjoy hi-resolution file formats for maximum effectiveness:
- ac3
- aiff
- flac
- mp3
- mp4
- wav
Please Visit Vivreforlife.com today for more detailed information or to
purchase the VIvre!
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