

Welcome to BillyScan App! BillyScan allows you to scan your invoices, you are able to speak or type in invoice data and finally export it as an easy Excel-Table over AirDrop, Email, WhatsApp. What makes BillyScan special? BillyScan combines the Apple image recognition technique, an OCR technique with a special algorithmn for invoices. BillyScan doesn't need any internet connection! It doesn't need any third party software, which means that your sensitive data will be stored securely on your device. There is no need to upload any invoices to third party scanner web-services. Invoices can be stored fast from now on.
The recognition technique needs excellent light-conditions. Best would be bride daylight and a calm hand. Having these requirements it ouputs good results. In case scan-conditions are bad, you can use our own speak algorithmn recognizing date, money and text or do it simply manually, by pressing once in any row and then slowly speak, e.g. ,twelfth January twothousandandtwenthy’ or, five Euro fiftheen’

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