تطبيق Star FM هو أحد التطبيقات التابعة لشبكة أبوظبي للإعلام والتي تقدّم للمستخدم تجربة رقمية جديدة في عالم التطبيقات بقالب عصري تسمح له بالبقاء على تواصل مع كل ما يدور حوله والاطلاع على آخر المستجدات في عالمنا حيثما كان من خلال القنوات المتعددة لشبكة أبوظبي للإعلام.
Star FM application is an application of Abu Dhabi Media Network that offers the user a new digital experience in the world of applications with a modern template that allows him to keep in touch with everything that is going on and see the latest developments in our world wherever it is through the multiple channels of Abu Dhabi Media Network.
Star FM application is an application of Abu Dhabi Media Network that offers the user a new digital experience in the world of applications with a modern template that allows him to keep in touch with everything that is going on and see the latest developments in our world wherever it is through the multiple channels of Abu Dhabi Media Network.
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