The ROLCC Social app, by River of Life Christian Church, is for anyone interested in being part of the church community. The app delivers various services such as announcing the latest church news, registering for classes and events, providing meeting links, etc.. The Social app allows users to easily find and connect with the church as well as with each other.
ROLCC Social app 建立矽谷生命河靈糧堂的會友社區,得以迅速知曉教會之即時資訊,方便參與教會各項活動,也讓彼此能簡易連結、互通有無,享受手機應用程式的優質
ROLCC Social app 建立矽谷生命河靈糧堂的會友社區,得以迅速知曉教會之即時資訊,方便參與教會各項活動,也讓彼此能簡易連結、互通有無,享受手機應用程式的優質
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