welcome to MomClean Application ....
MomClean is a Laundry services app that will helps you to get your laundry and dry clean right a way from your iPhone or iPad by just one tap
what services inside this app ?
- MomClean helps you to find the services based on your location which include (Single items from categories or by Packages).
What are the items in the application ?
- you can tap any item in the category that you selected and add it to your basket orders this operation will leads you to pick up your order with your location (MomClean comes with a map so that the user can select his location to receive the order).
what are the packages in the application ?
- now with MomClean you can see the packages which contains many items inside all that with comes with one price ( now you can choose between the packages and the single items just tap on what you like) also to subscribe to package you have to send your location on the map inside the app that will helps our office to receive your data and processing your order information after that we will send you the driver to handle and deal with you about your subscription
which country we are support now ?
- in the mean time we only support Iraq and soon we will be available in Dubai and Qatar we will send you all the updates you want inside the application as soon as we open a new offices in new Countries
why we need your phone number and your location ?
- we need these information so that we can handle the area of the order that user sent it to our offices and we will use your phone to contact you then when the order processing completed
MomClean is a Laundry services app that will helps you to get your laundry and dry clean right a way from your iPhone or iPad by just one tap
what services inside this app ?
- MomClean helps you to find the services based on your location which include (Single items from categories or by Packages).
What are the items in the application ?
- you can tap any item in the category that you selected and add it to your basket orders this operation will leads you to pick up your order with your location (MomClean comes with a map so that the user can select his location to receive the order).
what are the packages in the application ?
- now with MomClean you can see the packages which contains many items inside all that with comes with one price ( now you can choose between the packages and the single items just tap on what you like) also to subscribe to package you have to send your location on the map inside the app that will helps our office to receive your data and processing your order information after that we will send you the driver to handle and deal with you about your subscription
which country we are support now ?
- in the mean time we only support Iraq and soon we will be available in Dubai and Qatar we will send you all the updates you want inside the application as soon as we open a new offices in new Countries
why we need your phone number and your location ?
- we need these information so that we can handle the area of the order that user sent it to our offices and we will use your phone to contact you then when the order processing completed
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