eCommunity is a self-service app enhancing the community living experience.
eCommunity provides a single platform that brings together residents, owners, and service providers to facilitate the day-to-day interactions and operation of the community facilities and amenities, follow-up on maintenance issues, payments and suggestions, and receive notifications and information about common interest events and other communication relevant to the individual resident/owner as well as the community they belong to.
eCommunity is a convenient and easy way to:
• Raise requests for maintenance and/or break-fix issues and receive progress updates on the related issue until resolution of the issue. eCommunity also provides the ability to give feedback on the quality of the services rendered
• Provide feedback and suggestions to the board/management company to improve the services and/or facilities through the app’s suggestion box or through on-line polls and surveys
• Self-service one-stop to manage your guest/visitor/vendor entry gate registration, in-community parking registrations, community related No Objection and Clearance Certificates requests, community rules, regulations and bylaws viewing and downloading
• Receive emergency, social events, deals, maintenance and other common interest community relevant notifications, as well as personal related ones such as invoices and fees posting and payments history
• Information about the community Neighborhood vendors and services and general city-wide information about events and services
eCommunity provides a single platform that brings together residents, owners, and service providers to facilitate the day-to-day interactions and operation of the community facilities and amenities, follow-up on maintenance issues, payments and suggestions, and receive notifications and information about common interest events and other communication relevant to the individual resident/owner as well as the community they belong to.
eCommunity is a convenient and easy way to:
• Raise requests for maintenance and/or break-fix issues and receive progress updates on the related issue until resolution of the issue. eCommunity also provides the ability to give feedback on the quality of the services rendered
• Provide feedback and suggestions to the board/management company to improve the services and/or facilities through the app’s suggestion box or through on-line polls and surveys
• Self-service one-stop to manage your guest/visitor/vendor entry gate registration, in-community parking registrations, community related No Objection and Clearance Certificates requests, community rules, regulations and bylaws viewing and downloading
• Receive emergency, social events, deals, maintenance and other common interest community relevant notifications, as well as personal related ones such as invoices and fees posting and payments history
• Information about the community Neighborhood vendors and services and general city-wide information about events and services
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