DTMer-Taxi/Cab Meter icon

DTMer-Taxi/Cab Meter

Chia-Yi Tsai

About DTMer-Taxi/Cab Meter

Base on tariff(rate), calculate the approximate fares via distance measured and/ time consumed, real-time or estimation; such as taxi, designated driver, tow truck, etc.

1:Provide approximate real-time fares according distance measured and/or time consumed
2:Provide historical data query, sorting, filtering, batch deletion and historical routes
3:Provide tariff/rate templates to choose, and detailed descriptions
4:Provide fares estimation via manual input(distance and time)
5:Provide self-defined tariff/rate if templates are not appropriate
6:Easy to operate

1:Location might deviate occasionally, fares are for reference only
2:Avoid using in tunnel, building or background

DTMer-Taxi/Cab Meter Screenshots