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Find Mr Bear

Jessamy Goddard

About Find Mr Bear

This App is a simple Hide and Seek game.
On opening the App you can choose to count to 10, 15 or 20.
This number is remembered until the App is reopened.

Mr Bear hides randomly in any of the rooms.
When you find Mr Bear, he will ask for your help.
He likes to hide his biscuits in the rooms,
but he forgets where he has hidden them.

When you find his biscuits, he will give you one as a prize.
Each time you are given a biscuit, you can go and count them.

After counting your biscuits, you can look for Mr Bear again.

You return to the rooms page.
If you search again from this page, Mr Bear and his friends
stay in the same rooms.
Can you remember their rooms?

If you press the play again button on this page
you are taken to the opening page.
Here you can practise counting again and
Mr Bear and his friends all hide in different rooms.

If you get 20 biscuits, you have won!

This App covers numbers 1 to 20
and prepositions, in, on, under and behind.

This App is suitable for young children.

Please note that no data or information is collected during the use of this App.
For further information, please see:-
for our privacy policy.

Find Mr Bear Screenshots