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Abdel Salam Al Hassani

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About Abdel Salam Al Hassani

أكبر مكتبة فنية تحتوي على كل الألبومات والأناشيد والسهرات الإنشادية
بعض المميزات التي يمنحها هذا التطبيق :
1 - التطبيق خالي من أي إعلانات مما يجعله أكثر أمانا.
2 - الإستماع للأناشيد في الخلفية وهاتفك (مغلق) أو أثناء تصفحك للإنترنت.
3 - خاصية البحث السريع للأناشيد وإمكانية تجميعها في المفضلة.
4 - التطبيق مستضاف على سيرفر أوروبي آمن يتيح لك سرعة التصفح ونقاءا عاليا في الصوت والصورة.
5 - يحتوي على أكتر من 350 نشيد ودعاء ومكتبة فنية متجددة باستمرار.
6 - يتيح لك متابعة آخر الأخبار والمواعيد الإنشادية بصفة مباشرة.
7 - إمكانية مشاركة التطبيق والأناشيد مع الاصدقاء.
8 - يعمل بشكل جيد على جميع الأجهزة وحتى مع إنترنت ضعيف.

لا تنسوا دعمنا عبر التصويت في حال أعجبكم التطبيق وإضافة مقترح يحسن أدائنا وشكرا.

Naseem Records Producer Sp. o.o
is honored to announce and publish Mobile Application with Abdel Salam Al Hassani’s Best Collection of Islamic Nasheeds and Dua’s.
Learn more about the Artist and his amazing and powerful collection of Islamic Nasheeds
Abdel Salam Al Hassani is a Moroccan composer, spiritual singer, songwriter and producer. Privileged with a musical background, Abdel Salam Al Hassani’s inspiration for music stemmed from his Grandfather. Soon after, music became an integral part of Abdel Salam Al Hassani life-resulting in his involvement in various musical projects throughout his upbringing.
Abdel Salam Al Hassani was fortunate to have studied music with renowned Egyptian composers, allowing for his groundbreaking debut album ‘ Ya Yumma ’ in 1994, produced, composed and sung by Abdel Salam to successfully impact the field of Arabic Music. Subsequently, Abdel Salam Al Hassani began
his musical endeavors with Moroccan Artists which had led him to Cairo - where his interest in Spiritual Music was ignited. The realm of spiritual music inspired his subsequent album ‘ Naseem ’ which influenced Spiritual Islamic music in 2003,
Abdel Salam Al Hassani began his work on his second album ‘ Aman ’ in 2010
' Al-Burda ' in 2015 'and 'Mawlid ' in 2018 Abdel Salam Al Hassani’s love for Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is what inspires his Spiritual Music - regardless of fame or glory. Abdel Salam Al Hassani has performed around the world in countries such as: USA, Europe, North Africa, Middle East, and Asian country.
For Abdel Salam Al Hassani Albums sale and distribution or concert/charitable collaborations in your country contact us:
contact@naseemrecords.com or contact@abdesalam.com .
Fallow more about Abdel Salam Al Hassani visit: www.abdesalam.com
or www.naseemrecords.com

Abdel Salam Al Hassani Screenshots