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Scoil Cholmcille

Warren Harding

About Scoil Cholmcille

This is the School App for Scoil Cholmcill in Ros a' Mhíl in Contae na Gaillimhe.

Our App is used by our school to send news and information to parents and students. From short alerts to newletters, the app facilitates all kinds of communication. Features also include

- Events Calendar, with the option to copy events to your phone's calendar.

- The Document repository gives you access to all school documents in a single place.

- Payment portal to facilitate online payments.

- Electronic Permission Slips.

- Photo Gallery so you get to share in the school's best moments.

You must be invited to use the app. If you haven't received an invitation and you are the parent of a child at Scoil Bhride, please contact us at

Scoil Cholmcille Screenshots