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Vish Gyana Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd

About Surgtest

Surgery MCQs for NEET SS and NEET PG

Surgtest is your highly intelligent personal trainer as you march towards your surgery examinations. It helps you prepare in between surgeries, in the wards and on the go.

Welcome to an exclusive examination prep resource app for surgeons offering help to surgeons gearing up for NEET super-speciality exams(India) and MRCS(Inter-collegiate part A and part B). The MRCS resources are coming soon.

Surgtest offers you a distinct edge over others:

1. Thousands of questions framed by practising surgeons and super-specialists from standard textbooks.
2. Special focus on General surgery, GI surgery and Onco surgery.
3. Predictive questioning - All major concepts and future questions based on current trends of examination.
4. Extensive question bank yet a delicate focus on what you need to top the examinations.
5. Compare your performance with thousands others who use Surgtest.

Do you have the Surgtest edge?

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