Ring And Run is a Prank or game dating back to 19th-century in many cultures.
Ring And Run also known with many name in different areas like "Knock, Knock, ginger", "Knock Down ginger", " Ding Dong Ditch", "Chap Door Run",
Knock on the front door of the house or Ring the Doorbell of a victim, then Run away before the door can be answered.
The Victims involve in this Prank are not allowed to call the Police But they are mad at you they will call the police and the Prankster can face charges of "trespassing" and "Distrubing the peace"
The name knock down ginger or knocky door ginger, used in parts of Southern England, comes from an English poem:
Ginger, Ginger broke a winder
Hit the winda – crack!
The baker came out to give 'im a clout
And landed on his back.
The game in various forms is known by different names geographically, including the following:
Knock Out Ginger, South Wales
Belletje trekken (Netherlands), belleke trek (Flanders)
Knock and nash (Cumbria, United Kingdom)
Nicky nicky nine doors (Canada, United States)
Knock and run
Bell Baja k Bhag (Pakistan)
Raja Ji ki Bell Bajao (India)
Chicky melly, chap-door-run, chappy (Scotland)
Knick knack (Ireland)
Cherry knocking (United Kingdom, late 20th century)
Knick Knocking, Australia.
Ring and run (United States)
Bell-Twei (Bell means 'Ding' and Twei means 'run' in korean) (South Korea)
Knock a door run (away), northern England
Sonne-Décriss (Québec)
Rín-Rín-Raja (Chile)
Ding dong ditch,(United States, Canada)
Tok-tokkie (South Africa)
Ring And Run also known with many name in different areas like "Knock, Knock, ginger", "Knock Down ginger", " Ding Dong Ditch", "Chap Door Run",
Knock on the front door of the house or Ring the Doorbell of a victim, then Run away before the door can be answered.
The Victims involve in this Prank are not allowed to call the Police But they are mad at you they will call the police and the Prankster can face charges of "trespassing" and "Distrubing the peace"
The name knock down ginger or knocky door ginger, used in parts of Southern England, comes from an English poem:
Ginger, Ginger broke a winder
Hit the winda – crack!
The baker came out to give 'im a clout
And landed on his back.
The game in various forms is known by different names geographically, including the following:
Knock Out Ginger, South Wales
Belletje trekken (Netherlands), belleke trek (Flanders)
Knock and nash (Cumbria, United Kingdom)
Nicky nicky nine doors (Canada, United States)
Knock and run
Bell Baja k Bhag (Pakistan)
Raja Ji ki Bell Bajao (India)
Chicky melly, chap-door-run, chappy (Scotland)
Knick knack (Ireland)
Cherry knocking (United Kingdom, late 20th century)
Knick Knocking, Australia.
Ring and run (United States)
Bell-Twei (Bell means 'Ding' and Twei means 'run' in korean) (South Korea)
Knock a door run (away), northern England
Sonne-Décriss (Québec)
Rín-Rín-Raja (Chile)
Ding dong ditch,(United States, Canada)
Tok-tokkie (South Africa)
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