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Gurukul Education

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About Gurukul Education

Free Gurukul Education Foundation (Values, Skill Based Education In Digital Format)

Gurukul education (Values ​​and Skills Education) can now be obtained free of charge by phone with palm.

Families today are small, adults are somewhere, and children are isolated, away from work, education, and family quarrels. There is no shortage of books in the field of study and practice. And in order to do anything, it is necessary to achieve the mind. And the mind-numbing gurukuls have disappeared. Today, education is lacking in values ​​and skills. It may be the skills needed to do the job, the life. The Foundation was formed as part of solving the problem of values ​​and skills needed for life and work.

Our mission is to provide a value-free education that is free, easily accessible, attractive, and accessible to all.

Free services offered through this App:
1) Free Telugu Books (3444 pdf Books)
2) Video Pravachanamas
3) Audio Pravachanamas
4) Mind Management
5) Social Awareness
6) IMPACT-Personality Development
7) Daily Good News

The main features of this App:
1) Offering in full Telugu only
2) Completely free
3) Easily searchable.
4) Top Downloads and Top Shared are easy to find.
5) No ads or commercials, no registration required.
6) Easily share with others.

So far 3 lakh books have been downloaded and over one lakh prophecies have been heard.

Many have benefited from the website, the mobile app, and have taken pleasure in their lives. Letters and testimonials that they have written to us can be found directly by yourself at this link.

If you are interested in volunteering, you can find the information at the following link.

Many great people are helping this knowledge, thank you all.

Finally, if you feel that this app is useful, do LIKE and SHARE and shed some light on the lives of others.

Thank You,
Free Gurukul Education Foundation,
HelpLine: 9042020123

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