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Share & Drop

Innovent Integrated Solutions
5.0 out of 5

About Share & Drop

Share & drop is a non profit app that allows users to share and get items freely.
The app does not require any personal contact or any physical interaction.
Share and drop allows the users to find nearby items.
The users can browse the available items listed under several categories.
The user can donate items by simply adding them under the available category, the item will be shared to the app users along with the location.
The user in need, will request it, a message will be sent to the donor.
The donor will choose the date and time for the item collection, the beneficiary will be notified.

The user can also request items by adding them under the needed category, the donor can fulfill the need by simply replying to the message with the item description, time and date.
The user in need will be notified by a message.


Share & drop will always be responsible for user's privacy and data. We will never share or store user's data for any reasons other than notifying people inside the app about donations and needs.

Furthermore, we will never show the user's needs or requests to people outside the app, as per user's privacy. We will be taking responsibility for user's privacy or self-respect in any case.

Share & Drop Screenshots