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Soundbite Podcasts

Daniel Gauci

About Soundbite Podcasts

The premise is simple. Soundbite lets you discover new shows you through bite-sized listens which you and other people can curate.

The “What should I listen to now?” question is something a lot of podcast apps have struggled to answer. To answer that question, we wanted to tap into the best resource for recommended listens – you!

A lot of the time you find out about a show through an IRL conversation. It’ll usually go something like “You have to listen to this show, there was this one bit in the last episode where...”. That one bit for us, is a Soundbite, or a bite for short.

Bites are central to the entire listening experience. From choosing topics you’re interested in, to picking what goes next in your queue.

Pretty soon, you’ll be skimming through podcasts, saving the best bites, following niche topics and listening to hidden gems. This is what finding new stories should feel like.Find and share hidden gems through bite-sized listens

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