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Dealmaker List Calculator

Silicon Valley Insight
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About Dealmaker List Calculator

The Dealmaker List calculator allows you to analyze a multifamily property offer price quickly to determine if it's worth pursuing right from your phone. It provides analysis on the investment/cost and return with and without a Sponsor/Equity split. All this can be done with a few key inputs. You can even test out financing options to see how they impact overall cost and return.

Purchase Price
How does the Broker Offer Price compare to a calculated price using NOI and Cap Rate?
Enter in Broker offer price, assumed Cap Rate and your Income and Expense line items. You can switch between annual and monthly values.

See the Net Operating Income (NOI), a calculated Price and a measure of the percent this calculated price is to the original Broker Offer Price.

Total Financed Project Cost Analysis
What is the “All In” cost of this project including Unfinanced Rehab costs?
Enter in a Sale Price or use the Calculated Price, Unfinanced Rehab and the Number of Units to see the All In cost and costs per unit.

Financing Options
How will financing options impact overall cash flow?
Enter in financing option inputs and see how up to 3 scenarios impacts total Loan cost and DSCR.

Choose which financing option looks best and then continue through the analysis.

Initial Investment
What is my “All In” initial investment? How much equity do I need to raise?
Enter in other closing costs, acquisition fee as well a unfinanced rehab or other miscellaneous costs to determine total initial investment.

Project Returns
What are the overall returns for this project, including Total Return, Average Cash on Cash, and IRR?
- Input your Investment Hold term or set it to be the same as the Loan Term chosen for this analysis
- Input an Exit Cap Rate or set it to be the same as the original Cap Rate
- Input Projected Cost of Sale or set it to the original Closing Costs

Based on your input you will see a total project return analysis including Net Sale Proceed, Cash on Cash Return, IRR and Cashflow Dollar and Percent for each year you hold the investment.

Deal Analysis Summary
Looking to see how the returns are affected with Sponsor and Equity splits?
Input the Sponsor % and additional Management and Disposition fees to get an overall summary of the returns for both the Sponsor and the Equity Partner

The team at Dealmaker List is continuously looking for ways to support multi-family real estate investors and their networks. Bringing people together on our platform to connect and grow their relationships and to utilize our expanding set of tools to enhance the deal making process.

If you are interested in joining our network please visit

If you have any feedback you’d like to provide about the calculator please email us at

We hope you enjoy using our calculator and find that it helps you to quickly analyze a potential deal while on the go.

Dealmaker List Calculator Screenshots