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Know NOW!

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About Know NOW!

How do you prefer to be informed about an emergency?

Let's say there's a wildfire. Or a tornado. Or a firenado (yes, that is a real thing). Whatever the scenario, how do you stay in the know?

Do you like guessing what that distant siren means? Or constantly doomscrolling your news feed for potential catastrophes? Or waiting for your house to be engulfed in a flaming vortex?

What if you could follow multiple Groups to stay informed on events both near and far? What if you could receive local emergency Alerts directly to your phone no matter where you are? What if these Alerts contained text, location data, photos and other essential Media?

What if you could Know NOW!

Real-Time Emergency Alerts. Directly to Your Phone. Absolutely Free.


• All Know NOW! Users can create Groups, which can in turn be followed by any other Know NOW! User.
• Following a Group allows Know NOW! Users to receive Alerts and access Media specific to that Group with every Know NOW! User automatically following their local emergency management agency.


• Automatically receive emergency Alerts from verified Groups in your area as well as Alerts from any Group that you follow.
• These Alerts, which are delivered in-App and as push notifications, can include text, locations, photos, videos, audio, documents and web links to give maximum context to every message.


• Every Group also contains a Media Tab, where Group Followers can access essential Group locations, photos, videos, audio, documents and web links.
• This Media includes the Group Locations Map where Know NOW! Users can see every Alert and Group Location for every Group that they follow.

Social Network? Anti-Social Network? Create Your Own.

But following Groups, receiving Alerts and viewing Media is not all. Every Know NOW! User has the ability to create and lead their own Groups. Whether you want to lead a Public Group to promote your business or brand or create a Private Group to share videos with loved ones, Know NOW! allows you to create your own social (or anti-social) network!


• Every Know NOW! User can create a Group, of which there are two types.
• Public Groups are searchable by the public and any App User can join, while Private Groups are not searchable by the public and can only be joined by invitation from the Group Leader.


• Every Know NOW! Group, whether Public or Private, has the ability to send Alerts to its Followers.
• Every Alert must include either an Alert Subject, Alert Message or Alert Media (locations, photos, video, audio, documents, web links) but can also include additional features like an Expiration Date.


• While Alert Media expire when the Alert does, the Media Tab allows Group Leaders to post permanent items to the Group.
• Whether this is adding the location of your business to your Public Group or adding holiday photos to your Private Group, the Media Tab allows every Group to have a repository of useful information available to Group Followers at all times.


The use of this App is strictly limited to personal informational purposes. All information provided by the App is sourced from a variety of federal, state, public and private entities, as well as private individuals. The Licensor is not responsible for the accuracy of the information and the resources are liable to change without notice.

The Licensed Application also includes a “Map” tab. Data on this map is derived from third-party sources and the Licensor is therefore not responsible for positional inaccuracies, subsequent updates, errors or omissions of data.

Under no circumstances will the developer of this App be held responsible for incidents resulting from the use of the data or its interpretation or its use contrary to the End-User License Agreement.

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