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Unyte Health
4.4 out of 5

About Unyte-iLs

The Unyte-iLs app is a new robust digital delivery platform for Unyte and Integrated Listening Systems (iLs) evidence-based neural solutions. Current Unyte-iLs app functionality includes delivery of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) program.

The Unyte-iLs app empowers professionals to reach and help more clients easily and effectively in clinic and at home. Professionals can elevate their practice offering with the Unyte-iLs app delivery of the SSP program content and:

• Increase flexibility in delivery
• Maintain access control
• Plan customized programs
• Gain confidence in compliance
• Provide meaningful support

Note: This app requires you to be either a qualified professional who has completed SSP training or a client of an active and qualified SSP provider.

Unyte-iLs Screenshots